Sabtu, 06 September 2008

Rasuna Epicentrum: how big can you play? Bahasa Indonesia

written in 29 Maret 2007

Writing by Ade Yudirianto
Rasuna Epicentrum, it’s about lifestyle for jakarta 2015…

This is the main destination of this trip. Not much can be explained here because Rasuna Epicentrum is not yet built. Just a foundation street which is 8 meters tall. But here is where Ridwan Kamil (Emil) talk much about the epicentrum itself.

After we get out of the bus in front of marketing office of this building, we went to the marketing office that is designed futuristic, similar like the Singapore station by Norman Foster. In here, we examine the model of Epicentrum superblock as tall as a grown up person describing the afterbuilt condition. Rasuna Epicentrum project is considered magnificent because of the slogan:

In Bilbao we know Guggenheim Museum.

In tokyo we know Roppongi Hill

In jakarta we know Rasuna Epicentrum.

Rasuna Epicentrum (RE) will support the new urban lifestyle among high class society. Whole tower that is built will have different form than other buildings in Jakarta. At this stage, RE that is first built is Bakrie Tower, and then the Grove Apartment/Condominium. Then other facilities will follow until 2015. All planned to be done. Bakrie Tower is the icon of RE with its sculptural shape, four sided with 1 degree tilted wall creating unique shape building. Not mentioning the secondary skin.

From the model presentation it can be observed that length between towers will be narrow. This is to avoid sun penetration to enter the space under the towers. It is also interesting that the RE will be having trams on the main street like an old street. "To live again the nuance of the past", said Emil. This is visible in the corridor facade under the tower in art deco style. Wide river with blue water will be made just like in the modelling. "There will be special treatment for the river to be blue coloured", said Emil. Not far from RE in front of the main gate will be built monorails.

After observing the model of the RE area, we continue with the second floor where the mock up model of the apartment is built and shown to the costumer. Here the interior is completed with details and furnitures.

From the second floor we head to the third floor, a wide balcony to see the progress of RE building completely. From this balcony we can also see the foundation preparation where Bakrie Tower will be built. After observing this, we got down to have lunch at the 'people's park'.

"Learn how the economists think, not to become an economist, but try to understand the way they think so that we can be able to talk in THEIR language". This is Emil's formula for big projects. For you who wants to take part in big business and designs of urban business, there is a question: How Big can You Play??...

Guide/mentor: M Ridwan Kamil (PT URBANE INDONESIA)
17 maret 2007. 08.30-17.00 WIB

Info about Rasuna Epicentrum can be seen at

by Ade Yudirianto
© Copyright 2008 astudio Indonesia. All rights reserved.

4 komentar:

  1. maaf mo nanya.... dengan bangunan yang rapat seperti ini, gimana dengan faktor anginnya ya?????

  2. Barangkali Ade/ tim Rasuna bisa menjawab pertanyaan diatas?


  3. ada pengecekan dengan dua cara: wind turbine simulation by software semacam ecotect atau dengan simulasi 3D melalui maket. logika sederhananya adalah angin akan melalui daerah kencang bila lorongya memanjang/menerus. agar tidak menjadi lubang angin maka koridor antar biasanya dibelokkan atau ditiap 100m dibuat intersection. jarak standar antar tower biasanya minimal 25 m. kurang dari itu akan mkenjadi lubang angin dan sepertinya di rasuna jarak antar tower lebih dari itu.

    ade y

  4. Ya saya senang dengan adanya komentar tentang tata ibokota masa depan kita ini karena menurut saya Malaysia aja sdh banyak yang memiliki gedung-gedung tinggi yang jaraknya tidak terlalu jauh itu dikarenakan supaya pengguna jalan lebih betah jalan kaki dikota di bandingkan naik kendaraan sendiri kan Malaysia dulu kita merdekanya tapi Malaysia telah menyontek konsep negara yg. sdh maju duluan seperti singapura dan negara Cina maupun Jepang dan itu pun tersedianya tranportasi yg. begitu mudahnya di dapat seperti monorel. Jakarta harus bisa juga seperti itu kalau perlu kita belajar dari murid sendiri seperti Negara Malaysia kan peribahasa dulu mengatakan Indonesia Gurunya dan Malaysia Muridnya tapi kenyataannya malah terbalikkan sekarang.


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