Selasa, 09 September 2008

Water features in our home Bahasa Indonesia

Water is one source of life on earth that is important for human. We need water in our body for metabolism. Water is an element of nature that can show whether an environment is healthy or not, like river, water source, drink water, and other water around us.

In sufficient dwelling, a pool can be a recreational area and center of healthy activity for the whole family. (photo: doc. astudio)

Inside home, water is a refresher to make healthy environment, and can be used to support health and recreation, like using water in swimming pool so we can do sport, make a fish pond, make a falling water with sound that make us feel close to nature. There are many ways to create water features inside a home, like making pools, ponds, falls, and others. We can even buy water features that can be easily installed. If we don't have enough money or land to build swimming pool, we can create small fish pond.

Fish pond is easy to build, and it does not take long, and it can be placed on any empty area of our home. This kind of water feature will bring refreshing ambience inside our home, for instance by looking the fish swimming in the pool.

Pond - The Fish 1 to 1 crop

Sound of water falls to the pool, is a very refreshing, it can be so great if it is in your home. (foto: dok astudio)

by Probo Hindarto
© Copyright 2008 astudio Indonesia. All rights reserved.

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