This house is inspiring design, designed by Polish architects KWK Promes. This house has a roof garden which is large enough. Imagine having a house like this, with a free view. Investments that you provide to create a house with a roof garden facility may be the additional cost initially, but over time, is a good investment for the household, because we can use it for exercise, fresh air, mingle with the family in the afternoon. This is because the fewer garden that we can enjoy in the city. Garden above a roof is one alternative solution to our life to be more happy and beautiful, in urban areas. Not all people have the ability to plan to build a garden on the roof, because it costs more expensive. When we have the funds, why not?
sumber gambar: Contemporist
by Probo Hindarto
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infonya berguna buat makalah yang lg saya buat. tapi ada teori yg berhubungan dengan ini ga ya?
BalasHapusRumah yg cantik!, sayang tak ada pagar pengaman dibagian atap untuk keamanan anak-anak agar tak terjatuh.
BalasHapusRumah yg indah pak...., tp bikin rumah spti itu bgm ya? apa ada trik khusus, terutama untuk pembuangan air, supaya nggak bocor
BalasHapusIde membuat taman di atas atap ini bagus banget, bisa menghemat lahan. Mungkin bisa mengurangi panas pada ruangan di bawahnya juga kali yaaa.
BalasHapusKayaknya bisa dipasang greenhouse kits juga tuh.
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