Ini adalah sebuah desain rumah mungil dari astudio. Furniture didesain agar sesuai serta memiliki fleksibilitas yang tinggi, seperti dapur dengan semua perlengkapan yaitu sink, kompor dan kabinet. Kamar tidur dengan kabinet, serta terdapat pemisah antara ruang tamu dan kamar tidur yang dapat dilipat. Ruang tamu dapat berfungsi pula sebagai tempat menonton televisi.
Material bangunan dibuat dari bahan yang kokoh dan sangat fungsional. Material bangunan yang digunakan merupakan bahan material prefab pabrikan yang sudah dites kekuatannya. Semua itu tentunya tidak lupa terdapat teras yang cukup nyaman.
Furniture designed to fit and has a high flexibility, such as a kitchen with all amenities ie sink, stove and cabinets. Bedroom with cabinet, and there is a divider between the living room and bedroom that can be folded. The living room can also function as a place to watch television.
Building materials made from sturdy material and is very functional. Building materials used are materials that have been tested prefab manufacturing strength. All that of course do not forget there is quite comfortable patio.
Furniture designed to fit and has a high flexibility, such as a kitchen with all amenities ie sink, stove and cabinets. Bedroom with cabinet, and there is a divider between the living room and bedroom that can be folded. The living room can also function as a place to watch television.
Building materials made from sturdy material and is very functional. Building materials used are materials that have been tested prefab manufacturing strength. All that of course do not forget there is quite comfortable patio.
by Probo Hindarto
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