Icon seringkali mengandung peran penting sebagai penanda sebuah kawasan, misalnya: "Bila Anda melewati bangunan dengan bentuk bulat, maka Anda sudah sampai di kota anu". Artinya bangunan berbentuk bulat memberi penanda yang jelas akan sebuah kota. Bisa dikatakan Icon memberi makna tertentu sehubungan dengan interpretasi dari persepsi visual yang diterima pengamat. Berkaitan dengan semiotika dan simbol, icon merupakan sebuah satuan makna yang harus diinterpretasikan, misalnya, untuk memahami bahwa Monas adalah Icon Jakarta, kita harus memahami proses untuk melihat Monas memiliki makna yang bisa diinterpretasikan bahwa Monas bentuknya seperti itu, dan hanya ada di Jakarta.
Photo by AyAres151 on Flickr
Kadangkala, begitu kuatnya sebuah Icon, maka sebuah bangunan atau arsitektur bisa menjadi simbol dari tempat, kawasan, kota bahkan negara. Monas, atau Suramadu, merupakan simbol kota Jakarta dan Surabaya, bila setiap kali melihat ‘image’ dari bangunan tersebut, diasosiasikan sebagai ‘Jakarta’, atau ‘Surabaya’. Misalnya, dalam sebuah gambar peta, gambar Monas menjadi simbol Jakarta, dan Suramadu, menjadi simbol Surabaya.
Arsitektur memang bisa dan memungkinkan untuk dibuat menjadi sebuah icon, meskipun demikian, setiap Icon akan memberi pengaruh atau peran dalam area tertentu sebagai penanda yang sifatnya terbatas sesuai dengan tingkat pengaruh yang dimilikinya. Setiap orang yang ‘tahu’ tentang patung ‘sura’ dan ‘baya’ sebagai icon dari ‘Wonokromo’ atau ‘Surabaya’ akan mendapat makna setiap kali melihat bentukan atau imagery patung ‘sura dan baya’ untuk dikaitkan dengan kawasan Wonokromo atau kota Surabaya pada umumnya. Arsitektur yang sangat kuat pengaruhnya sebagai icon, bisa menjadi penanda untuk sebuah kawasan, dan banyak contoh yang bisa kita temukan dalam arti arsitektur sebagai ‘bangunan’ bukan sebuah sculpture atau patung.
Banyak arsitek sangat menyukai kesempatan mendapatkan proyek desain yang bisa menjadi Icon bahkan simbol dari sebuah kawasan, misalnya: merancang bangunan yang bernilai tinggi bagi lingkungan. Merancang bangunan dengan tingkat pengaruh yang tinggi bisa mempertinggi tingkat pengaruh arsitek di masyarakat, artinya ego arsitek juga dipengaruhi dalam kondisi ini. Peran arsitek menjadi sangat penting bila ia harus mendesain bangunan yang akan menjadi Icon sebuah kawasan.
Kadangkala, begitu kuatnya sebuah Icon, maka sebuah bangunan atau arsitektur bisa menjadi simbol dari tempat, kawasan, kota bahkan negara. Monas, atau Suramadu, merupakan simbol kota Jakarta dan Surabaya, bila setiap kali melihat ‘image’ dari bangunan tersebut, diasosiasikan sebagai ‘Jakarta’, atau ‘Surabaya’. Misalnya, dalam sebuah gambar peta, gambar Monas menjadi simbol Jakarta, dan Suramadu, menjadi simbol Surabaya.
Arsitektur memang bisa dan memungkinkan untuk dibuat menjadi sebuah icon, meskipun demikian, setiap Icon akan memberi pengaruh atau peran dalam area tertentu sebagai penanda yang sifatnya terbatas sesuai dengan tingkat pengaruh yang dimilikinya. Setiap orang yang ‘tahu’ tentang patung ‘sura’ dan ‘baya’ sebagai icon dari ‘Wonokromo’ atau ‘Surabaya’ akan mendapat makna setiap kali melihat bentukan atau imagery patung ‘sura dan baya’ untuk dikaitkan dengan kawasan Wonokromo atau kota Surabaya pada umumnya. Arsitektur yang sangat kuat pengaruhnya sebagai icon, bisa menjadi penanda untuk sebuah kawasan, dan banyak contoh yang bisa kita temukan dalam arti arsitektur sebagai ‘bangunan’ bukan sebuah sculpture atau patung.
Banyak arsitek sangat menyukai kesempatan mendapatkan proyek desain yang bisa menjadi Icon bahkan simbol dari sebuah kawasan, misalnya: merancang bangunan yang bernilai tinggi bagi lingkungan. Merancang bangunan dengan tingkat pengaruh yang tinggi bisa mempertinggi tingkat pengaruh arsitek di masyarakat, artinya ego arsitek juga dipengaruhi dalam kondisi ini. Peran arsitek menjadi sangat penting bila ia harus mendesain bangunan yang akan menjadi Icon sebuah kawasan.
Inilah sebuah jawaban mengapa arsitektur Mall selalu atau kebanyakan didesain dengan warna cerah, menarik, unik, dan menawarkan sesuatu yang berbeda dari lingkungannya. Hal ini bisa dipahami sebagai suatu cara menjadikan Mall sebagai penanda suatu tempat, yaitu lingkungan disekitar mall tersebut. Dari ‘sesuatu yang berbeda’ tersebut setiap orang (pengamat) yang melihat dan memahami perbedaan tersebut bisa membuat asosiasi tertentu berkaitan dengan imagery yang didapatkannya.
“Kamu tahu, mall yang bentuknya kotak-kotak, miring-miring”
Kalimat diatas bisa diasosiasikan sebagai ‘Mall EX’ di Bundaran HI Jakarta, atau bisa jadi mall yang baru rubuh di sebuah kota, tergantung dari asosiasi pengamat :) Arsitek bisa mendesain bangunan menjadi sebuah Icon yang sangat dikenal. Persoalan yang timbul dari arsitektur ‘iconic’ adalah dari dampak arsitektur ‘iconic’ itu sendiri.
Keinginan untuk memiliki bangunan yang iconic sangat menggoda bagi para pemilik bangunan terutama untuk jenis bangunan komersial, sebabnya adalah keberadaan bangunan yang bisa menjadi icon yang bisa mendongkrak sisi komersial. Di tepi jalan komersial, selalu kita dapati berbagai bangunan komersial berlomba-lomba menciptakan bangunan yang iconic, sehingga jalan komersial dipenuhi oleh bangunan dengan desain dan tipe yang berbeda-beda untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Karena setiap bangunan didesain untuk menjadi berbeda maka jalan akan dipenuhi oleh arsitektur yang beragam, bisa jadi cenderung chaos, tanpa regulasi khusus seperti ketinggian bangunan, sempadan, KDB dan KLB, tema atau gaya arsitektur yang digunakan, material, dan sebagainya.
Selain itu arsitektur yang dibuat untuk menjadi iconic sering memiliki kekurangan akibat perhatian arsitek yang terlalu bertujuan memaksimalkan ‘imagery’ yang ditampilkan oleh fasade bangunan. Ruko, mall, restoran, dan sebagainya dibuat dengan arsitektur yang semenarik mungkin agar menjadi icon suatu kawasan, tapi arsiteknya sering melupakan banyak faktor lain, diantaranya adalah tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. Begitu pentingnya untuk mengolah fasade agar menarik, misalnya, bisa membuat banyak hal yang terkait arsitektur lainnya menjadi terbengkalai.
An architectural icon of a region, becomes a way to reveal the existence of a building that gives color, influence, and interests in a region. For example: Monas monument is the Icon of Jakarta. Statue of Sura (shark) and Baya (crocodile) is the Icon of Surabaya. Burj Dubai is an icon of Dubai. Icon is a symbol of something important in giving the identity of a region, city, even a country. Very often people who take a walk or vacation to a place or a particular city will visit the building, place, or area that became icons of a city, perhaps to mark a visit to make it more meaningful, 'that I've been to the city'.
Design an iconic building, by astudio architect.
Icon often contain important role as a marker of a region, for example: "When you pass through the building with a round shape, then you've arrived at the city". This means that round-shaped building will provide a clear marker of a town. Icon can be said to give a specific meaning in connection with the interpretation of visual perception received by the observer. In relation to semiotics and symbol, icon is a unit of meaning that must be interpreted, for example, to understand that the Monas is the Icon of Jakarta, we must understand the process to see the monument has a meaning that could be interpreted that the monument shaped like that, and only in Jakarta.
Sometimes, an Icon can be so strong, then a building or architecture could be a symbol of place, regions, cities and even countries. Monas, or Suramadu, is a symbol of Jakarta and Surabaya, every time we see the 'images' of the building, it can be associated as 'Jakarta', or 'Surabaya'. For example, in a map, the image of Monas became a symbol of Jakarta, and Suramadu, became the symbol of Surabaya.
Architecture is able and allowed to be made into an icon, even so, every icon will give the effect or role in certain areas as markers that are limited in accordance with the degree of influence of the building. Every person who 'knows' about the statue of 'Sura' and 'Baya' as an icon of 'Wonokromo' or 'Surabaya' will have that meaning every time he saw the formation or imagery of the sculpture 'sura and baya' to be associated with Wonokromo region or city of Surabaya in general . Architecture is very powerful as an icon, can be a marker for a region, and many examples can be found in the sense of architecture as a 'building' rather than a sculpture or statue.
Many architects love the opportunity to get a design project that can become an Icon even symbols of a region, for example: designing buildings of high value for the environment. Designing a building with a high degree of influence that could enhance the influence of the architect in society, meaning the architect's ego is also affected in this condition. The role of the architect becomes very important when he has to design a building that would become icons of a region.
How important a building became an icon?
This is the answer to why the architecture of malls are always or mostly designed with bright colors, interesting, unique, and offer something different from their surroundings. This can be understood as a way to make the Mall as a place marker, namely the environment around the mall. From the 'something different' is any person (observer) who see and understand these differences can make certain associations related to the acquisition of imagery.
"You know, the mall that is shaped tilted boxes"
The sentence above can be associated as the 'Mall EX' at Roundabout HI Jakarta, or could be a new mall that collapsed in a city, depending on the associated observer :) The architect can design a building into an icon that is known. Problems arising from architectural 'iconic' architecture is the impact of 'iconic' itself.
The desire to have an iconic building is very tempting for the owners of the building primarily for commercial building types, why is the existence of buildings that could become the icon that could boost the commercial side. On the commercial side of the road, we always find a variety of commercial buildings competing to create an iconic building, so that commercial street full of buildings with different designs and different types of buildings to achieve that goal. Because each building is designed to be different then the street will be fulled by a variety of architecture, which could be inclined chaos, with no special regulations such as building height, border, KDB and outbreaks, theme or style of architecture used, material, and so forth.
Architecture designed to be iconic often have a shortage due to the attention of architects who too aim to maximize the 'imagery' that is displayed by the facade of the building. Commercial, shopping malls, restaurants, etc. are made with architecture as attractive as possible in order to become a regional icon, but architects often forget the many other factors, such as social and environmental responsibility. Once the importance to treat the facade in order to attract, for example, can make a lot of things related to other architectural become dormant.
________________________________________________ An architectural icon of a region, becomes a way to reveal the existence of a building that gives color, influence, and interests in a region. For example: Monas monument is the Icon of Jakarta. Statue of Sura (shark) and Baya (crocodile) is the Icon of Surabaya. Burj Dubai is an icon of Dubai. Icon is a symbol of something important in giving the identity of a region, city, even a country. Very often people who take a walk or vacation to a place or a particular city will visit the building, place, or area that became icons of a city, perhaps to mark a visit to make it more meaningful, 'that I've been to the city'.
Design an iconic building, by astudio architect.
Icon often contain important role as a marker of a region, for example: "When you pass through the building with a round shape, then you've arrived at the city". This means that round-shaped building will provide a clear marker of a town. Icon can be said to give a specific meaning in connection with the interpretation of visual perception received by the observer. In relation to semiotics and symbol, icon is a unit of meaning that must be interpreted, for example, to understand that the Monas is the Icon of Jakarta, we must understand the process to see the monument has a meaning that could be interpreted that the monument shaped like that, and only in Jakarta.
Sometimes, an Icon can be so strong, then a building or architecture could be a symbol of place, regions, cities and even countries. Monas, or Suramadu, is a symbol of Jakarta and Surabaya, every time we see the 'images' of the building, it can be associated as 'Jakarta', or 'Surabaya'. For example, in a map, the image of Monas became a symbol of Jakarta, and Suramadu, became the symbol of Surabaya.
Architecture is able and allowed to be made into an icon, even so, every icon will give the effect or role in certain areas as markers that are limited in accordance with the degree of influence of the building. Every person who 'knows' about the statue of 'Sura' and 'Baya' as an icon of 'Wonokromo' or 'Surabaya' will have that meaning every time he saw the formation or imagery of the sculpture 'sura and baya' to be associated with Wonokromo region or city of Surabaya in general . Architecture is very powerful as an icon, can be a marker for a region, and many examples can be found in the sense of architecture as a 'building' rather than a sculpture or statue.
Many architects love the opportunity to get a design project that can become an Icon even symbols of a region, for example: designing buildings of high value for the environment. Designing a building with a high degree of influence that could enhance the influence of the architect in society, meaning the architect's ego is also affected in this condition. The role of the architect becomes very important when he has to design a building that would become icons of a region.
How important a building became an icon?
This is the answer to why the architecture of malls are always or mostly designed with bright colors, interesting, unique, and offer something different from their surroundings. This can be understood as a way to make the Mall as a place marker, namely the environment around the mall. From the 'something different' is any person (observer) who see and understand these differences can make certain associations related to the acquisition of imagery.
"You know, the mall that is shaped tilted boxes"
The sentence above can be associated as the 'Mall EX' at Roundabout HI Jakarta, or could be a new mall that collapsed in a city, depending on the associated observer :) The architect can design a building into an icon that is known. Problems arising from architectural 'iconic' architecture is the impact of 'iconic' itself.
The desire to have an iconic building is very tempting for the owners of the building primarily for commercial building types, why is the existence of buildings that could become the icon that could boost the commercial side. On the commercial side of the road, we always find a variety of commercial buildings competing to create an iconic building, so that commercial street full of buildings with different designs and different types of buildings to achieve that goal. Because each building is designed to be different then the street will be fulled by a variety of architecture, which could be inclined chaos, with no special regulations such as building height, border, KDB and outbreaks, theme or style of architecture used, material, and so forth.
Architecture designed to be iconic often have a shortage due to the attention of architects who too aim to maximize the 'imagery' that is displayed by the facade of the building. Commercial, shopping malls, restaurants, etc. are made with architecture as attractive as possible in order to become a regional icon, but architects often forget the many other factors, such as social and environmental responsibility. Once the importance to treat the facade in order to attract, for example, can make a lot of things related to other architectural become dormant.
Picture credit (from top to bottom):
- from http://www.opus-dubai.com
- by AyAres151 on Flickr
- by kersy83 on Flickr.com
by Probo Hindarto
© Copyright 2010 astudio Indonesia.
All rights reserved.
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